Got Critters?

Got Critters? Here is How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

The Texas terrain is notorious for harboring a perplexing mix of animals. Depending on the time of year, there is a good chance you will find yourself involved in a staredown battle with some of the creepy critters that crawl, walk, fly, swim or slither.

Rodents tend to be the most common pests, but bats, birds, skunks and snakes can also find their way into your home.

These freeloaders love setting down roots in various parts of your home – the attic, ceiling, garage, within walls, plumbing and other crawl space – and once settled in, they can be a homeowner’s nightmare.


Nobody wants to visit the bathroom and find heaven-knows-what crawling from the toilet. Or being awaken in the middle of the night by the pitter patter of tiny feet up in the ceiling.

Critters also tend to be extremely destructive, chewing through everything from electrical cabling to the roof, ripping ducts, removing insulation, leaving holes in walls, eating your food, contaminating your home, causing damage with their urine and droppings etc.

As well, some of these creatures can be aggressive especially when cornered, not to mention that they could come bearing all kinds of diseases. Rats, skunks, raccoons, moles and groundhogs are particularly known to be bearers of fatal diseases.

In other words, there is nothing symbiotic about your continued sojourn with most of these creatures.

Problem is, shooing them away doesn’t seem to work much since the little pests always find a way of sneaking back in.

So, what options have you?

Saving your Home from Critters

Most homeowners hire the services of an exterminator to come and flush out the annoying bothers, but these guys can be expensive and once the critters are out they usually find their way back in after a short time.

Thankfully, there is no shortage of options to explore when you are looking to expel these creatures for good. And the bonus is that the methods we have outlined here are friendly to the environment as they don’t involve use of harsh chemicals.

Wondering what these are?

Let’s give you three.

Seal up the Place

If rodents have raided your home, make sure to check your walls (inside and out) for any cracks or holes.

Mice (and snakes) can squeeze through very tiny spaces, so you should make it a point of sealing everything, including those tiny spaces you assume no creature could get through.

What else you should consider sealing, in addition to your home, is your food. Ensure stuff like cereal are stored in airtight containers, and avoid leaving food on your counters overnight.

The thing with critters is that they need to feed – even bedbugs feed on your blood – so making their stay less of a party can only be for the better.

Don’t also forget to keep the trash can firmly sealed and away from your house if possible. Old food draws in rodents like mice as well as skunks and snakes, thus making your trash a very enticing proposition.

Make use of Natural Remedies

Most critters have a very strong sense of smell, and you find that making use of certain natural scents tends to disorient and keep them away.

There are many natural remedies you can use to deter critters, and one of the most effective is peppermint oil.

Add a few drops of this oil to cotton balls and cloths and then place them around entrances and other spots you think rodents might use to gain entry. If you have a vegetable garden, you can also opt to plant mint.

Cinnamon is another effective natural remedy you can use to repel bugs. Simply sprinkle ground cinnamon in the affected areas or use a cotton ball to apply undiluted cinnamon essential oil to those areas, including your kids’ sandboxes.

Garlic is another effective remedy. Leave a few cloves in the corners of your home and on shelves and counters to keep the critters at bay. Replace these once a week as they tend to dry and lose their potency.

Onion slices can also be used to repel insects, and planting them in the garden can also help keep bugs from attacking your other plants.

If the smell of onion and garlic doesn’t jive with you, the alternative is to use vanilla extract.

Mix vanilla extract with equal portion water in a spray bottle and spray around your home, especially those areas you often spot bugs. For enhanced aroma, consider adding a few drops of either mint essential oil, lemongrass or lavender.

Invite some Owls

Texas is home to over a dozen types of owls, although most of them are populated in the eastern parts of the state.

If you have sighted one or two around your area, you might want to go on a charm offensive to lure them to your property.

Owls prey on mice and other rodents, and can thus keep rodent population under control. Barn owls, in particular, have a taste for mice, and you can consider constructing a barn owl box just for them.

Last Word

Ridding your home of critters can be easily achieved without the need to use harmful chemicals. As long as the infestation is not serious, you can employ any of these techniques to repel them.

It is also good to take preventive measures such as trimming your lawn and keeping things tidy throughout.

Also, regular application of natural repellents specific to either insects, rodents or snakes – or whatever critter is rampant in your area – around your home can help keep these creatures from finding a safe abode in the first place.

In case you are a victim of severe infestations, calling an exterminator as a last resort may not be a bad idea.


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