5 Mistakes You’re Making While You’re Working From Home

Working from Home | Cash House Buyers Dallas

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people became remote workers overnight and realized what was a dream for many – working from home. But it’s not as easy as it looks! Here are some mistakes that are easy to make when you’re working from home and how to fix them, from cash house buyers in Dallas.

Mistake #1 – You are Working from Your Couch or Bed

If you Google images of people working from home, you’re going to see loads of content where people are cuddled up in bed or on the couch, working away at their laptops and looking like they’re achieving every life goal you’ve ever dreamed of. But, just like those stock images you see of women being overjoyed at the sight of a salad, the reality is very different!

Working on a couch or bed is a mistake for several reasons. Firstly, you are taking a sanctuary of rest and calm and trying to make it a space of productivity. When your brain sees your couch or bed, it’s not thinking about work, so it’s a jarring mindset to overcome. Secondly, it is not comfortable for your body. Ergonomically, you need support that keeps your body upright in a seated or standing position with your screen positioned comfortably at eye level about 2 feet away. That’s not possible while lying on a bed or sitting on a couch, even with those desk trays. All you’re going to end up with is a sore back, poor concentration and low productivity.

Mistake #2 – You’re Working in Your Pajamas

It’s a huge perk that you don’t have to get dressed each day for the office when you work from home, no question! No make-up, no heels, no uncomfortable clothes… it’s bliss. But that doesn’t mean you should work in your pajamas all day.

Again, the issue is about creating that mindset for productivity on a workday. The routine of getting up and getting dressed into work clothes puts your brain into work mode, preparing for the day ahead and helping you be as productive as possible. Wearing pajamas sends completely opposite messages.

We’d suggest finding a middle ground. Make a routine of getting out of your pajamas, showering and dressing yourself in everyday clothing – what you’d normally wear on the weekend. You’ll feel fresh, ready to start the day, and in a far more productive frame of mind.

Mistake #3 – You Have No Schedule

Working from home has changed workplace expectations, often in a negative way. When you don’t have to commute and your office is right there in your home, an expectation develops that you should be working all the time. There’s no structure or boundaries in place, and employees end up working longer hours while employers end up contacting you for work and meetings any time of day.

Boundaries HAVE to be set, or you are going to burn out – logging more and more hours with less and less productivity. Set a meeting with your boss and team to set up acceptable work hours and work structure while you are working from home. Then, set up a schedule for yourself. Decide when you wake up, when you start work, when you take a lunch break, and when you stop work for the day – and then stick to it as much as possible. The extra hours you have available outside your workday should be kept for you. Read a book, watch TV, play a videogame, go for a run – make that work-life balance possible!

Mistake #4 – You Don’t Take Breaks

Scheduled, regular breaks are essential to productivity, and often occur fairly naturally in the workplace through conversations with co-workers, meetings and so on. At home, especially when it is quiet, it’s easy to forget you’ve been working at the computer for 4 hours straight without a break.

Experts recommend that you take a 5 minute break every 25 minutes (treat this as a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule). Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, walk around the garden, do the washing, play with the dog, dance to a song – whatever you want. This boosts oxygen levels in your blood, increases circulation to your brain and gives your spine and muscles a release from sitting.

Mistake #5 – You Don’t Have a Quiet Space to Work

This is probably the trickiest issue, especially if you are sharing a workspace with someone else or trying to homeschool your kids at the same time. Unfortunately, in order to be productive, you need a quiet space to focus. If possible, create a space away from the hub of the house – a spare bedroom or even a corner of your own bedroom where you can close the door and work. Look after your kids in shifts if you can, talk to your team about working more in the evening in order to leave the mornings open for hoe school, and if your kids are old enough, establish some ground rules and routines that give you the space you need – even if it means they’re watching more TV or playing on the computer.

Want to Sell Your Home Quickly? Speak to Cash House Buyers in Dallas

Looking for a home with more office space so you can work from home easily? If you’re interested in selling your home privately or want to sell your home quickly, our cash for houses Dallas team is happy to buy it. Here’s how our process works:

  • You enter your information on our website
  • We’ll contact you directly to discuss an offer for your property (you can also get a free property evaluation from our website)
  • You can accept or reject the offer
  • You can also call us directly on 469-858-0088

You can also download our FREE guide on how to sell property fast.

Our team is compassionate and highly-motivated to offer you the best possible market-related price for your home you want to sell fast. You also pay zero real estate agent commission.

At Shiny Key Properties, our trained consultants have years of experience in helping homeowners to get out of foreclosure or needing to sell quickly. To find out more about our cash for houses Dallas service or to speak to our cash house buyers directly to sell your home privately, please contact us today and speak to one of our friendly team members.

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